Hi guys. I got something useful to share with you all and i thought maybe it will help you in your daily jobs or etc.
Papago M11 for Android.
This ap functioning like google map or waze but this one you can install it on your any android device such as android device and your mobile phone and else.
Give it a try. I've tested it myself and it 100% works.
How to install ?
First, download
Papago M11 for android.
Then, you copy paste the whole folder into your android/phone memory.
(internal memory recommended)
Go into where you place the folder in your android/phone and find
NaviM11SGMY folder
. Find
Papago!SGMY_Navitotal[H-S].apk and install it
After you finish the installation, Run/execute it. Give it some times to download the maps data and i highly recommend you to use WIFI connection because the size of the file is almost 2GB.
*Just in case you cant install.
You might need to enable and disable some setting in your android/mobile before you can install the software. See picture below.
Please [tick] the
Unknown sources and...
[untick] the
Verify apps.
Please report broken link and i will update it as soon as i can.
Happy traveling and Thank You! :)
Read more at: http://www.tasteiest.com/crack-papago-m11-singapore-and-malaysia-android-installation-guide